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Bibliothèque de l'Observatoire de Banyuls-sur-mer

About the Laboratoire Arago library

The library was founded with the “Laboratoire Arago” in 1882 by  Henri de Lacaze-Duthiers.

Since September 2014, the library is an integrated library of the Universitary library  Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6)
The library is also in international networks as EURASLIC and IAMSLIC.

Periodicals, books and historical archives are today the heart of the library's collections.

Enriched over the years through donations, acquisitions and exchanges with the magazine " “Vie et Milieu /Life and Environment ", the library of Banyuls is one of the most important libraries in France for its collections in Oceanography and Marine Biology . The library also covers the areas of Biology, of Ecology, Zoology and Earth Sciences.

Sandrine Bodin - 07/09/16

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